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Social Analytics Insights

This project provided Grizzly Industrial (a real company) business insights gathered using social analytics including word clouds, clustering models, and subplots.

Social Content​


My primary research focused on what I could extract from the corpus to provide content strategy insights for Grizzly Industrial social media channels. It can be difficult for companies – both big and small – to post content that is relevant to their target audience on social media.



Word Cloud​


First, I looked at the 100 most frequently used words from the corpus and transformed them into a bear-shaped word cloud in honor of the company’s name – Grizzly. The larger the word, the more frequently it’s used. Some words that pop out right away aren’t that surprising – grizzly, woodwork, tool, sander, chainsaw. Words that are closely tied to their product offerings.


But there are some surprises in here as well that required a deeper understanding of the context such as beat, type, garden, collector, free, station, and video. To get a better understanding of the context of some of these odd ball words, I ran the subplot function to see how the words were grouped together.

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Subplot Function


This helped me see words like dust and collector were related, which makes sense because many of the tools have dust collectors that users find very easy to empty. But words like beat and beats were still hard to understand. I also ran hierarchy clustering methods such as a distance matrix to gain more insight.


Eventually, the best way to understand how ‘beat’ and ‘beats’ were being used in the social commentary surrounding the company was to look at the raw data again. There I saw the simple answer. People were praising the tools and brand in different ways, but frequently including phrases like “can’t be beat” or “nothing beats this drill”.

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From subplotting, word clusters, and hierarchial clusters, I was able to see that Grizzly Industrial is mentioned in five primary kinds of posts: project inspiration, DIY instructions, troubleshooting tools or woodworking, skill sharpening, and show and tell. Grizzly can use this knowledge to focus their content strategy on social media to deliver that kind of content to their target audience to increase engagement and in turn, sales.


The three major areas they should focus on include sharing user-generated content by reaching out to people who have shared end products created using Grizzly equipment, answer FAQs from Reddit threads, and provide a wide range of free DIY video tutorials (like they are already) from beginner to expert level. These are all top of the funnel tactics that help build trust with audiences and can quickly lead further down to sales.

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I then repeated that process – but only focused on hashtags that were included in the posts to help ensure I wasn't missing any vital topic or conversation. Hashtags that stood out right away included #grizzlytool, #woodwork, #cuttingboard, #furniture, #pandemicbuy, and #wood. I displayed them here in a conversation bubble to represent the audience speaking about these words to their followers.

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Hashtag Insights


Including relevant hashtags can help Grizzly Industrial increase their audience and gain trust among them without sounding too salesy. Hashtags are a great strategy to leverage, and this shows which one’s Grizzly’s audience are interested in.

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Sentiment Analysis​


I also helped team members conduct a sentiment analysis for YouTube and an overall sentiment analysis that spanned the first ten weeks of 2022. Our findings showed that the sentiment on YouTube was mostly positive. This is important to note because the majority of the data collected regarding comments including Grizzly Industrial came from YouTube.

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10 Week Sentiment Analysis


We chose to analyze this time period because the data was readily available and it including a new product release by Grizzly Industrial in the sixth week. The sentiment analysis didn't reveal any great revelations, but it did show that sentiment remained strong around Anticipation, Joy, and Trust across the weeks.

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